第58届金马奖最佳女配角 The 58th Golden Horse Awards for Best Supporting Actress On his 18th birthday, Jan Wen shoots randomly at the crowds in a night market for unknown reasons. The tragic incident causes a strong impact on the lives of his family, friends, victims and the witnesses. However, if there was a chance for them to make different choices, would the tragedy still happen? Will it be a different outcome if they all changed their behaviour at the crucial moment? 詹文在成年那天做了一个决定:让子弹在夜市里飞。唯一死者是游戏直播主小盛;Vita接到未婚夫死讯,社畜人生戛然而止;网络盗图冒名诈骗的太妹琳琳,与记者霉菌在夜市约访,让他意外成了制伏凶手的目击证人;阿兴深信挚友不是故意杀人,在两人创作的漫画世界里,只要有把梵天剑,就能斩断时空,在奈何桥相见。六人的命运在夜市交错,被迫面对各自生命的缺陷与困境。善恶有时只不过是偶然,当阿修罗被黑暗吞噬,人又怎样才算完整? • Not eligible for any discounts and/or vouchers. • Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes. • Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card.